Notice of Annual General Meeting for Raise the Bar Hospitality Union Incorporated
This document serves as Notice that the 2024 Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) will be held for the Raise the Bar Hospitality Union Incorporated (“the Union” or “RBHU”) at 7:00PM NZT on Tuesday 22nd October 2024, to take place at Mangere Community Law Centre, 9 Mangere Town Sq, Mangere, Auckland 2022, New Zealand
Members can also attend the AGM via Zoom:
The Zoom meeting can be launched with the Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari web browsers. You can also download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app for free on Google Play or iOS (the Apple App Store).
Attached to this Notice is an agenda for the AGM. The draft minutes from the previous meeting will be made available for Members to review prior to the AGM.
Current RBHU Committee Deputy Leader CVR Shastry will chair the AGM.
Any person who wishes to attend, speak, and vote at the AGM needs to have registered as a Union Member of RBHU at This can be done any time before the AGM is scheduled to commence.
Call for Nominations of Committee Members
At each Annual General Meeting, we elect a Committee to act as the governing body for RBHU.
The Committee includes a Leader and a Deputy Leader (or two Co-Leaders), plus a Secretary and a Treasurer (or one person as a joint Treasurer-Secretary). There are also spaces for up to 5 other “general” Committee Members. Committee Members are expected to commit at least 5-10 hours per month to the role, and hold their position for at least 12 months. This includes attending one monthly meeting, which can be attended remotely.
If you are passionate about improving the working conditions in Aotearoa’s hospitality industry, please consider making a nomination. Member participation is vital to ensure that RBHU is equipped to respond to an increasing need for legal representation, education and wrap-around tautoko (support). If you want to contribute to the growth of a grassroots, tikanga-driven union, please put yourself forward. No governance experience is necessary.
Written nominations can be emailed to [email protected] and must include this wording:
“The nominee consents to this nomination. The nominee certifies that they are not disqualified from being appointed or holding office as a Committee Member by the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.”
There will also be an opportunity to put forward nominations at the AGM.
Roles on the Committee
Leader/Co-Leader/Deputy Leader:
- Sets key objectives for the year ahead, from the direction of Union Members.
- Chairs the Committee’s monthly meetings and the Union’s General Meetings.
- Manages RBHU social media and email inboxes.
- Responds to media requests.
- Maintains relationships with relevant public sector entities (e.g.: Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment, Human Rights Commission), and organisations with related interests (e.g.: Unite Union, Young Workers’ Resource Centre, Migrant Workers Association of Aotearoa).
- Manages the finances for the Union.
- Prepares financial reporting, with support from banking and accountant experts.
- Explores fundraising options for the Union and manages funding applications.
- Manages RBHU social media and email inboxes.
- Sets agenda for and takes minutes at the Committee’s monthly meetings and the Union’s General Meetings.
- Organises the Union’s Annual General Meeting.
All Committee Members:
- Pursues the key objectives for the year ahead.
- Organises RBHU events throughout the year.
- Advocates for the interests of Union Members at regional and national events.
- Maintains relationships with relevant public sector entities and organisations with related interests.
Election of Committee Members
Once all nominations have been received at the AGM, each nominee will have a brief opportunity to speak to Members. An election process will then be held, with all Members in attendance eligible to vote.
The results of the election will be announced at the AGM and communicated to Union Members not in attendance via e-mail.
Other Business of the Annual General Meeting
The business of the AGM will also include the Annual Report from the current RBHU Committee Leader and the Treasurer’s Report from the current RBHU Committee Treasurer.
Prior to the AGM, Union Members may submit items of business by email to [email protected].
If a Member is unable to attend the AGM, but wishes to speak, nomimate themselves for a place on the Committee, or vote on any agenda item, please contact [email protected] prior to the AGM. Any Member may also email through an apology if they are unable to attend.
Ngā mihi,
Anne-Lise Mornard-Stott
Committee Co-Secretary
Raise the Bar Hospitality Union Incorporated